Follow the steps below.
1. Ask your instructor for two computers, an Ethernet Cat 5 crossover cable, two Ethernet Cat 5 cables, an Ethernet hub, and two Ethernet NICs.
2. Install the two Ethernet NIC cards into two computers running Win9X/Me/2000.
3. Install the appropriate software drivers for the NIC cards. Configure the cards. Record which IRQs are being used by the cards.
4. Install the TCP/IP protocol, the Client for Microsoft Networking, and File and Printer Sharing. This is done in the networking control panel.
5. Create shares on some folders on each computer. Password protect the shares.
6. Connect the two computers together using an Ethernet crossover cable.
7. Demonstrate to the instructor the ability to move files from one PC to the other.
8. Remove the Ethernet crossover cable.
9. Connect the two computers together using two Ethernet cables and a hub.
10. Demonstrate to the instructor the ability to move files from one PC to the other.
11. Remove any equipment and any software that you installed. Return the PCs to their original state.